Refractive surgery with PHAKICIOLS : fundamentals and clinical practice
Autor:Alio, Jorge; Pérez Santonja, JuanOcular surface inflammation : guidelines for diag1sis and treatment
Editorial:Highlights of Ophthalmology InternationalWavefront analysis, aberrometros topografía corneal
Autor:Agarwal, Amar; Alio, Jorge; Krueger, Ronald; Wilson, StephenWaverfront analysis, aberrometers corneal topography
Autor:Agarwal, Amar; Alio, Jorge; Krueger, Ronald; Wilson, StephenLasik - Lasek : the new horizons in quality of vision
Autor:Sánchez Galeana, CesarLasik - Lasek : nuevos horizontes en la calidad de visión
Autor:Sánchez Galeana, Cesar