Cirugía manual de catarata con incisión pequeña mini nuc y fluidos facosección y viscoexpressión
Autor:Blumenthal, Michael; Kansas, PeterSmall incision manual cataract surgery mini nuc and fluidics phacosection and viscoexpression
Autor:Blumenthal, Michael; Kansas, PeterORBIT : examination, diag1sis, microsurgery and pathology, Vol. II
Autor:Pérez Moreiras, José Vicente; Prada Sánchez, María Consuelo; Coloma Bockos, JavierORBIT : examination. Diag1sis, microsurgery and pathology - vol. 1
Autor:Pérez Moreiras, José Vicente; Prada Sánchez, María Consuelo; Coloma Bockos, JavierRefractive surgery with PHAKICIOLS : fundamentals and clinical practice
Autor:Alio, Jorge; Pérez Santonja, JuanOcular surface inflammation : guidelines for diag1sis and treatment
Editorial:Highlights of Ophthalmology International