The Atonement of Nikolai Isayev
The world is in chaos. The livelihoods of the people have succumbed to the fearful evil ways of war. Families are torn apart; governments fight constantly to preserve sovereignty and kingdoms fall under the iron clasps of their enemies. Long gone are days of peace and tranquility; long gone are the afternoon tea parties, the lavish balls, the general happiness and the decadency of the monarchy. The Neo Imperial Russia falls in despair and anguish, as their patriots are captured and disappear without a trace. Austerity is the norm, even though the crown is expected to continue as if everything is fine and under control.
Nikolai's life has been a trip through wonderland and suddenly he finds himself in the middle of a constant internal argument about who he has become, the atrocities he has committed and the dangerous situation he has put his baby daughter through. Lost and alone he desperately searches for answers.
Peace and joy await for those who atone.