ISBN 978-9962-13-831-0

Morning Zen
Empower Your Life, By Transfroming Your Mornings

Autor:González De Hoyos, Adrián Antonio
Editorial:González De Hoyos, Adrián Antonio
Materia:Procesos mentales e inteligencia
Público objetivo:Formación de adultos
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:180
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


In this era of smartphones and 24/7 internet access, most of us wake up and immediately dive into the challenges of the day, responding to messages, catching up on the news and following up on our daily tasks. Unfortunately, this behavior turns us into “firefighters” of our lives, leaving us listless, scattered and stressed. And we forget to dedicate a little time in the morning for the most important person in this world, which is you.
The powerful process of Morning Zen helps you take back your mornings and start the day on the right foot. Through clear and easy-to-follow steps, the method shows you exactly how to establish the critical habits necessary to improve your health, energy, and attitude, to passion¬ately pursue your goals and prepare yourself for the day’s battles.


Parque Recreativo Omar, Av. Belisario Porras "Vía Porras", San Francisco, Panamá / Tel. 224-9466; 224-6855; 520-1089​ Ext. 313