ISBN 978-9962-17-462-2

The Sport Governance of Panamanian Sport Organizations
An analysis from the perspective of compliance with the Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance for Olympic and Sport Organizations of the International Olympic Committee

Autor:Young, Damaris - Panamá
Editorial:Young Aranda, Damaris Itzel
Materia:Juegos olímpicos
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Número de edición:1


This work seeks to analyze the state of affairs for sports governance within Panamanian National Federations belonging to the Olympic Movement from a compliance perspective with the Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance for Olympic and Sports Organizations of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The study seeks to serve the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Panama and its affiliated National Federations to have comprehensive findings that provide an analysis that has the potential to serve decision-makers in developing, adopting, and taking and/or executing measures, actions, and strategic programs. This will enable these entities to improve, encourage and enable much needed qualitative improvements of sports governance within the Panamanian sports organizations belonging to the Olympic Movement. The research will also contribute to enforcing Recommendation 27 of the 2020 Olympic Agenda that was issued to all sports organizations belonging to the Olympic Movement, which are called to comply with basic principles of good governance.


Parque Recreativo Omar, Av. Belisario Porras "Vía Porras", San Francisco, Panamá / Tel. 224-9466; 224-6855; 520-1089​ Ext. 313